Several years ago, I participated in a joint study between University of Washington and Bastyr University where I provided guided meditations twice weekly to patients in hospice. During that time I lead over 500 guided meditations. This experience profoundly impacted on my outlook on life. In my private practice, my focus is on helping people identify and explore how they want to live their lives through breathwork, mind-body medicine, biofeedback, and counseling.
Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic in March 2020, I have been offering free 20-25 minute guided meditations sessions twice a week (Mondays & Thursdays at 8 AM). Feel free to join me any time.
Addition, you will find a few of my guided meditations below. I plan to add more meditations over time.
You can also find me on Insight Timer.
Breath Meditation
Cultivate mindfulness through the breath as the object of attention and concentration.
Mindfulness Body Scan
This 20-minute guided meditation explores being present to the sensations in our body, moment-to-moment, without judgment.
Balancing Fields Meditation
Balance your mind-body by meditating on the various parts of yourself in order to create an integrated, connected whole.
The word Metta, in Pali, is often translated as Lovingkindness. The practice of metta meditation is said to be an antidote to feelings of judgment and criticism. When we feel unsafe in the world, metta meditation can help open our hearts and provide us with some space for feelings of compassion, kindness and love.
Heart-Centered Meditation
Connect to the innate wisdom of your Heart through the breath and cultivating love and appreciation.
This is not a guided meditation, but rather a video demonstrating one of my daily home practices I do to help tap into more transpersonal states of being.
I first learned about altered states of consciousness through breathing when I learned Reichian breathwork 20+ years ago. Since that time, I immersed myself in the study of other breathing techniques not only to induce transpersonal states of consciousness, but also as a primary method of healing, such as pranayama, Buddhist and Taoist breathing practices, as well as Holotropic breathwork, Continuum, Rebirthing, and more. Now that I teach biofeedback and HRV I have learned more about the power of breathing to regulate vagal tone and change our nervous system.
Like Reich and many yogis, I use the breath as a pump, to initiate the fluid movement wave. Allowing this wave to move throughout the body, I follow the impulse rather than control the movement in a linear, constricted, reductionistic, rigid manner. Allow the movement to flow and be surprised by the movement. Allow the impulse to travel in as many ways it wants. An image to help is that of jelly fish or octopi. Thinking of the arm as an arm, a leg as a leg, the body as a body, only keeps the thinking rigid and fixed. Opening up to new potentials and possibilities demand we reimagine how we move and breathe in the world.